The Filosomatica® from Greek φιλος -σομα: love for the body, it is a physical approach to communication, a highly experiential. It ‘a discipline born from the maturation of the complex personal and professional experience of Miguel Angel Bertran, lecturer and scholar of philosophy of language, holistic bodyworker, teacher and trainer of teachers in various European countries.
The Filosomatica® is a tool that promotes deep contact with ourselves, through learning and shared experience with others, developing a process of human communication.
Therefore it uses techniques of meditation, body awareness, verbal exchange and holistic bodywork techniques exercises are included in the so-called “filosomatico Playground”, ie the MSG.®, working methods, on land and work in water – inspired Tantsu ® (Tantric Shiatsu) and Watsu® (Water Shiatsu) Harold Dull – the massage on ergonomic chairs and hammock or the swing and one on Pentalfa revolutionary bed designed by the same creator of Filosomatica®.
It is a three-year training course in counseling holistic body-oriented, recorded in Italy – with cod.SC56 / 10 – in the national registers of SIAF (Italian Society of Family Harmonizers, counselor, counselor holistic and holistic practitioners) to the quality of training delivered valid for the inclusion of its students on the register of the profession of Holistic Counselor.
The techniques using physical contact, the open attention, the breath, the look and the word, such as processing of experiences, and enhance the contact simultaneous presence in different parts of the body. This stimulates both in the operator that the customer’s attitude to the abandonment and access to a deep meditative state.
It is a kind of conscious and careful physical contact, which hears and listens without judgment, that respects the limits and the body scheme and facilitates the memory and retrieval capabilities and internal resources. The body rediscovers its ability to sense and sensitivity, thereby facilitating the possibility of returning there to live in a more conscious. Through this type of contact recipients you can experience bodily sensations of pleasure, security, access, belonging, foster care, intimacy, acceptance and respect, qualities that help to manifest the most natural, spontaneous, instinctive and healthy person.
Thanks to the different body techniques used, the Filosomatica® offers the chance to experience and awaken in us the awareness of the experiential and symbolic power of the elements – air, water, earth and fire – and their interaction in our personal experiences.
Each technique favors in fact, in a special way, the experiential connection with a specific element, while maintaining the relationship with all the other. The MSG® as a meditative dance, through the body and the operator’s hands, passes the user’s body, in particular, calls to experiences connected and inspired by the gifts that brings the element of air; Filosomatica® the ground can first afford to experience a state of primal abandonment warm and reassuring embrace of Mother Earth; the Filosomatica® in water, thanks to the precious element of water, is again open to the original memory and invites us to let go of weights and tensions also unaware and, in the abasement of experience of separation, experience the birth of a new image “crystalline” of himself, more essential. The integration process takes place spontaneously, in the simplicity of his self-giving water.
And finally there is the awareness of the fire, the central element that harmonizes all the others and that comes from the word shared, a living word that emerges to consciousness directly from the experience.
The final return: the feedback, the word that is at the service of the body.
At the end of the experience of lived physical contact, and after subsequent stages, we need silence, integration with your eyes closed (to sound experience within himself) and interspace with open eyes (to reappearance in the world perhaps by a slightly different perspective), the Filosomatica® offers the possibility to use the word – feedback – to express in words the feeling of the body, without getting stuck in a mental processing, but being able to collect “hot” sensations, emotions, feelings emerged from ‘ body experience. In this way the information collected at the cellular level are integrated and can lead to change to some extent the vision that the person has of the world and of itself.
A true self-empowerment process (empowering)
Reappointment, reassurance, respect, listening, acceptance, support, containment, care and love are some of the qualities that you can experience during a Filosomatica® seat and receive these gifts strengthens the sense of autonomy, and awakens the consciousness of own resources , ability and wisdom, from the body.
This rediscovery of the original wisdom of our body and in rivalorizzarlo as a source of knowledge, you can reconnect to the original nature common to all living things, and rediscover the sacredness, the connection with the totality, belonging to the whole.
The Filosomatica® operator in touch each other learn to maintain an attitude of meditative deep listening of your body, of your breath and the sensations that occur in it, as well as the body and the other person’s breath; learn to observe all this without judging, simply accepting what appears and remaining fully present, that is keeping open attention, attention that can simultaneously accommodate themselves, each other and their surroundings.
This allows him to free his breath and to clear your mind of all therapeutic plans and, therefore, from any claim to make a diagnosis, thereby disposing their blocks, anxieties and preconceptions.
He thus develops an attitude that Filosomatica® is called the loving witness of the position that belongs to an expectant of the unknown, that is, an attitude of deep listening, free of any judgment and full of wonder, respect and love for the findings of the self and the Other.
Basic training can be managed in groups meeting lasting a weekend / monthly and / or weekly sessions of 3.2 hours each, in the form of workshops. It also includes the learning of other specific techniques of verbal and nonverbal communication and sensopercezione exercises and body expression, as well as basic concepts of Humanistic Psychology (still offered through the exploration of experiences).