It ‘a bodily expression workshop for children from 3/5 and 6/18 years.
In this work the body is explored as a means to express themselves, to get to know entering into relation with their own emotions and those of others.
The laboratory provides a phase of motor activity in the room, and a graphic / manipulative activities (in the garden depending on the season).
Game site and movement: the proposed structured or semi-structured, will help to stimulate the motor creativity and create opportunities for discussion.
Place of creation: the movement that you design or the graphic work that translates into action danced, and will help strengthen the imagination and intellectual and creative abilities of children / and.
Boys and girls play seriously.
The game is the privileged activities with which they discover the world, is “transitional space” between reality and imagination, between desire and fear (Winnicott), and the movement is the most spontaneous manner, motivating and rewarding that allows you to live this experience . A body is a body that plays experiences, explore, invent, discover and learn.
Through guided exercises we will work on diagrams and basic motor coordination, on listening to himself and his relationship with the other, on the perception of time, of the directions and spatial levels and in general on the creative potential and evocative of dance movement.